What is Artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural intelligence displayed by animals including humans. It is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

In layman’s terms, AI is the understanding that machines can interpret, mine, and learn from external data in a way where said machines functionally imitate cognitive practices normally attributed to humans. Artificial intelligence is based on the notion that human thought processes have the ability to both be replicated and mechanized.
Simply put, the intelligence demonstrated by machines is known as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence has grown to be very popular in today’s world. It is the simulation of natural intelligence in machines that are programmed to learn and mimic the actions of humans. These machines are able to learn with experience and perform human-like tasks. AI manifests in a number of forms.

A Brief History

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a young discipline of sixty years, which is a set of sciences, theories and techniques (including mathematical logic, statistics, probabilities, computational neurobiology, computer science) that aims to imitate the cognitive abilities of a human being. Initiated in the breath of the Second World War, its developments are intimately linked to those of computing and have led computers to perform increasingly complex tasks, which could previously only be delegated to a human.

The history of artificial intelligence dates back to antiquity with philosophers mulling over the idea that artificial beings, mechanical men, and other automatons had existed or could exist in some fashion.
Thanks to early thinkers, artificial intelligence became increasingly more tangible throughout the 1700s and beyond. Philosophers contemplated how human thinking could be artificially mechanized and manipulated by intelligent non-human machines. The thought processes that fueled interest in AI originated when classical philosophers, mathematicians, and logicians considered the manipulation of symbols (mechanically), eventually leading to the invention of the programmable digital computer, the Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC) in the 1940s. This specific invention inspired scientists to move forward with the idea of creating an “electronic brain,” or an artificially intelligent being.

Who invented Artificial intelligence & When?

It was Alan Turing who, in 1936, presented his automatic machine to the world. Apart from being considered one of the first computers, its importance lies in that it determined the mathematical model of computing that guides the logic of any given algorithm. It ended up being integrated in what is known as the Church-Turing thesis and took computer sciences to another level.

Years later, in 1950, Turing developed the issue of proving the existence or non-existence of intelligence in a machine with the creation of his controversial test. The Turing test tries to detect to what point a machine can imitate the intelligence of a human, so the artificial factor can be or not be distinguished and verify whether our interlocutor is a machine.

Why was Artificial intelligence created?

The most profound reason for the development of AI goes beyond how machines make our lives easier. Throughout the history of art and literature, we can find some ideal examples of the human dream to become a creator and replicate, not just his mind, but also his heart, in the words of Baum’s tin man. In the 20th century, the science fiction genre has resorted on countless occasions to the issue and the ethical dilemma of whether a machine can think, and how and why.

A brief highlight of Present AI

AI in our daily lives has fully ingrained itself in all our day-to-day tasks. Dominating every corner of our existence, we have reached a point where we might even start taking this technology for granted.

A few examples are:

• Chatbots use AI to understand customer problems faster and provide more efficient answers
• Maps and Navigation with the help of AI has drastically improved traveling.
• Recommendation engines can provide automated recommendations for TV shows based on users’ viewing habits
• Text Editors or Autocorrect use AI algorithms and machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing to identify incorrect usage of language
• Facial Detection and Recognition uses virtual filters on our faces when taking pictures and using face ID for unlocking our phones
• Handwriting Recognition software reads the text written on paper by a pen or on screen by a stylus.

Conclusion- The Future

So what is in store for the future? In the immediate future, AI language is looking like the next big thing. In fact, it’s already underway. Do you even remember the last time you called a company and directly spoke with a human? One could imagine interacting with an expert system in a fluid conversation, or having a conversation in two different languages being translated in real time. We can also expect to see driverless cars on the road in the next twenty years (and that is conservative). In the long term, the goal is general intelligence that is a machine that surpasses human cognitive abilities in all tasks. But for now, we’ll allow AI to steadily improve and run wild in the society.